Alphabet bunting

Alphabet bunting
what we did last summer....

Monday 28 July 2014

Flag waving !

If you are flagging !! (Sorry!) already this summer holidays this kept us busy for a hour or so this afternoon while we listened to the thunder and lightening!

I'm hoping to run a raindrops and paint pots taster session soon and I had an idea to have flag making to go with a bigger group treasure map making activity.

We made the flag using a piece of white card, folded one edge and taped it to leave a gap to fit a "flag pole" I was planning on using a wooden spoon but they aren't really long enough so it's a toy broom for now with a trip to a DIY shop in the next day or two! 

I talked to M about what she knew about flags, when you see them and what they are for. Then she suggested some ideas for her own imaginary country that we would make a flag for, the language they spoke, what food they eat, if it's hot or cold. The Charlie and Lola episode "welcome to lolaland" would be good to watch before doing this activity. 

When I'd written down some of her ideas she started to think about what to put on her flag. We used stencils and felt tips, after a few suggestions from me "it's a cold country so you could draw a hat and gloves" I left M to it and this is what she came up with.

You could write the name of the country on the flag if you wanted to do some writing practise, or you could cut pictures out from magazines, use stickers etc. 

Details of taster session coming soon! Happy summer holidays everyone!