Alphabet bunting

Alphabet bunting
what we did last summer....

Saturday 3 October 2015

FRAME IT! - Tin foil picture frames

Today in preparation for an after school club I'm am running with a friend we made tin foil picture frames. I hadn't made them before but it was really easy and a great outcome!

First we cut out some frames from thin corrugated card (I actually think thicker card would be better) we cut out lots of random shapes from different thicknesses of card and used some adhesive foam shapes too, We stuck the shapes onto the frame using PVA glue.

Next we brushed PVA glue all over the front of the frame and covered it in a sheet of tin foil slightly larger than the frame. We were quite speedy doing this so the glue didn't dry. We pressed the foil lightly onto the cardboard. Then I trimmed the foil to allow a couple of centimeters extra round the edges, covered the back of the frame with glue and folded the foil over.

Lastly we rubbed the foil carefully over the shapes underneath it. You have to be careful not to tear the foil. Then we rubbed shoe polish onto the frame, wiping it off and re-applying two or three times.

So now there's no excuse.....FRAME IT!