Alphabet bunting

Alphabet bunting
what we did last summer....

Tuesday 11 February 2014

It's raining, it's raining again (and again)

Since it looks very likely that most people in the UK will experience at least 3 rainy days this week here are 3 rainy day ideas for you to try. I'll follow them up will full posts on each one soon.

Make a map
M loved this as she's a bit pirates and treasure map obsessed at the moment, although soon enough it became a map of Hong Kong apparently! Tape a piece of paper to the floor, start with some basic shapes to represent mountains, roads, lakes, rivers etc and then get out crayons, felt tips, collage, glue, paint etc add play mobil people or similar! This map stayed on our kitchen floor as a play mat for over a week, and kept M and P busy while we cooked. Lots more great map making ideas if you follow the link here

Draw things in Jars
Containing objects often helps you draw them. We had lots of things we'd collected from the beach and walks so we put them into 3 different jars and drew them using sticks dipped into drawing ink but you could use something less messy! I drew a template for M to draw round to draw the jars - you could find an image online of a jar and use that to make a template. It might be nice to draw onto colour paper with black pen or equally draw in colour. Have a look on my pinterest for more drawing ideas.

Make a pop-up book
This is better for older children, pre-school and up. It can be as simple or as complex as you like. You can find loads of pop up tips on line and on pinterest etc. It's definitely something I'd do again, M really liked it. I've been collecting making book ideas ready for our next story!

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