Alphabet bunting

Alphabet bunting
what we did last summer....

Friday 4 October 2013

A drawingpaintingstickingmaking place

I haven't posted for ages, mainly due to being busy moving house with two small children. Now we finally have some space I have been able to make a proper area for mati to make stuff in. (I'm hoping an area for me to make stuff in will follow shortly!) I was inspired by my slightly out of control pinterest addiction! So here it is....

I started by measuring the whole area I wanted to use and drawing out a plan, before we went to Ikea. Normally i just go to Ikea grab stuff that looks useful and try and make it fit in the house later!!

We already had the table which is from the the Great Little Trading Company

It is a really useful desk - I can't seem to find it on their website now but it is very similar to this desk
infact this one may be more useful with the trays but with a 9 month old on the scene I wanted a box underneath the desk to keep things away from little hands!

I used the system of hanging rails, hooks and pots in our old flat for everything from storing cuttlery, to make up, to sewing stuff! It is all part of the Ikea Bygel system which is really reasonable priced too. The rails are only £2 and the plastic pots are 60p. I also used a wire basket for bigger items such as paint boxes and a few hooks are always useful (£1 for 10!!) We had a spare rail already and I didn't buy enough pots or wire baskets to fill it but I will be doing that - you can never have too much storage!!

I bought a small  white shelf and bright red brackets and lots of these brilliant plastic boxes. I also had a couple of small card board suitcases from the Tiger Store in Brighton which is amazing - and I am not exaggerating!

Mati had requested a Gallery after an episode of something special and probably after seeing her Uncle Daniel's exhibition last year ( - shameless plug for his work here!) So I bought a few cheap picture frames to exhibit her work in.

Before I put any of the rails etc up I painted the whole wall with black board paint. The art are is at the end of our kitchen/dining area because I wanted somewhere downstairs where mati can get on with something while the baby is having a "nap" (she doesn't nap) I really like the effect though and there is plenty of space to write shopping lists, reminders etc on too. I've found the B&Q chalk board paint is the easiest to apply and it's thicker than some of the others. It also comes in pink and blue. Don't bother with the magnetic chalk board paint - we tried it at our last flat and after 4 coats it was still barely magnetic!

I bought a magnetic white board too and some dry wipe markers just for another surface to draw on and also because we have a built in fridge freezer so there is no where for the obligatory magnetic letters and numbers to go.

Lastly I had planned to buy this wire with clips to display mati's drawings and paintings on but they were out of stock so it will have to wait till my next trip.

It seems to have been a success so far and it's great knowing where everything thing is. I've used the hanging pots for all sorts of materials, pens, pencils, sequins, paintbrushes etc. The plastic pots are good for smaller things like crayons and also small pieces of collage materials. In one suitcase I've put bits for one off projetcs like blank badges, wooden spoons, empty toilet rolls and in the other is tissue paper and bigger pieces of scrap paper for collage.

Watch this space for (hopefully) lots of exciting creations!



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